Whats new? - Activity data, NHS Wales App, Patient survey and more......
Annual Patient Survey
Please provide us with valuable feedback using this link https://forms.office.com/e/Rm5B4C5fx3 or the QR code below.
Thank you for your time.
Technology & Digital Health
Please note that all incoming and outgoing telephone calls with patients are recorded for audit and training purposes.
Klinik's AI-Supported Triage solutions help to streamline patient flow, ensuring patients are directed to the right care, first time, while freeing up capacity within the practice - for patients and staff benefit.
"Heidi is an AI medical scribe platform that assists clinicians by automating the creation of clinical notes during patient visits. Heidi streamlines documentation by transcribing consultations, generating notes, and allowing you to edit your notes with AI.
This helps clinicians save time, focus more on their patients, and handle documentation efficiently. The platform also features top-notch privacy and security measures to safeguard sensitive medical data.
How does Heidi work?
Heidi works by transcribing your consult and generating notes based on a template of your choice using AI. It’s basically magic!"
For more information see the leaflet below.
Caritas Surgery Activity Data December 2024
We are now able to provide you with infographic data for the surgery. Please note that the administrative data is not 100% accurate, but gives a sense of volumes being processed by the practice staff.
Please note that 232 patients Did Not Attend their appointment in December. This is 232 appointments that could have been offered to other patients. This year so far 2706 appointments have not been attended after being booked by a patient. PLEASE PLEASE CANCEL APPOINTMENTS IF YOU DO NOT PLAN TO ATTEND. Patients who repeatedly miss appointments will be removed from the practice register.
RSV Vaccinations from 1st September 2024
The surgery will also be offering RSV vaccinations to all patients who fall in the following criteria. This vaccination cannot be given at the same time as the Flu and Covid vaccines. So we are holding clinics for these in September. For more information please use the following link:
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination for older adults - Public Health Wales (nhs.wales)
All of our eligible patients should have been contacted now by telephone, text or letter, however, if you still need to book an appointment please contact us by Klinik on line or by telephone on 01978 720450.
There are now cases of measles in Wales. Cases of measles are increasing across the UK and the uptake of the MMR vaccine has been declining. If you or your children have not has MMR vaccines please consider it today and contact the surgery.
Digital Services for Patients and the Public Programme (DSPP), are working to develop the NHS Wales App. They are requesting your support in helping those that are digitally excluded.
The DSPP recognises that about 7% of the population in Wales are digitally excluded, therefore its Patient's and Public Assurance Group wanted to use existing organisations such as Llais Cymru, NHS Wales, Digital Communities Wales and other third sector organisations to capture information; with the aim of informing people on how they can get help in their communities to obtain and use digital devices, including accessing the NHS Wales App.
With this in mind they have developed a survey to support the programme to:
- Understand the needs of patients and the public to become digitally included;
- Inform support programmes and schemes to aid their access to digital health services, where possible;
- Get the information to individuals that is required to access the support needed.
To help you can complete the surgery linked to the code below
Why we have changed the way you contact the surgery?
The aim of the new process will be to help us to easier manage the current demand coming into the surgery to ensure that we can continue to provide the most appropriate care to all our patients, with the appropriate member of the health care team and in as timely manner as possible.
The Klinik system will allow each patient to provide a more detailed summary of the clinical problem and the system will assist in the identification of the level of risk associated with each request, highlighting priority cases to the clinical team. You will also no longer need to hang around trying to get through on the phone and verbally discussing all your details with our reception team. You will be able to complete the Klinik form on your home computer or mobile phone between 8am and 2.00pm Monday to Friday. If you do not have access to a mobile phone or computer, you will still be able to contact the surgery by telephone, our receptionists will take your request through the same Klinik system to ensure your request is triaged by the system.
As part of this process, we also plan to change the way in which we book your doctor appointments at the surgery. We currently have thousands of appointments wasted each year where patients do not attend a pre booked appointment and do not cancel it. To prevent this, we aim to manage all patient requests during the working week that we receive the request (if demand allows!) Therefore, if you are looking for a routine appointment with a particular GP, you will be asked to put your Klinik request through to the surgery the week that you would like to see or speak to the doctor and we will then aim to offer you an appointment either face to face or by telephone. We will aim to be able to provide you with a response to your request within 48 working hours of receiving the request.
We really look forward to hopefully providing you with an easier way to access the surgery and ask that you will be supportive with the team during the transition period of this change. Thank you in anticipation.
Patient Video V1 HS 18.11.21 (vimeo.com)
NEW NHS WALES APP is now ready for you to download
The NHS Wales App is a digital solution enabling our patients to access advice and services and is now available to download from your app store. We’re encouraging all of our staff and patients to download and use the app as you will have access to the following services:-
- order repeat prescriptions
- book and cancel appointments (coming soon)
- see a summary health record and when available a detailed coded record (coming soon)
- get health advice from NHS 111 Wales
- manage your blood and organ donation status
- discover other health and care services
Downloading the App is simple. Just search “NHS Wales App” in Google Play or the Apple App Store. or scan the QR code below.
You can also access the NHS Wales App via your computer by visiting https://app.nhs.wales/login
Q. Who can use the app?
A. To use the app, patients must:
1. Be registered with a GP practice in Wales.
2. Be aged 16 or over
Participants needed for a research Study.... see information below if you want to participate
Out of Hour/111 update
The NHS 111 Wales service was launched in North Wales on Tuesday 22 June 2022.
NHS 111 Wales will replace the current NHS Direct Wales and GP Out of Hours numbers. Patients will be able to call 111 free of charge for urgent care including GP Out of Hours services and the health advice.
We are the latest Health Board to launch this service as part of the roll-out throughout Wales.
This number does not replace 999, and those with life-threatening emergencies should continue to call 999 when necessary.
New Mental Health Support via 111 press 2
This week we see the launch of a dedicated mental health advice service, offering support for people of all ages via the established NHS 111 telephone number.
Those concerned about their own mental health or that of a loved one are now able to call 111 and select option 2 to speak to one of our dedicated wellbeing practitioners.
The number is free to call from a landline or mobile, even when the caller has no credit left. But in life threatening situations, people should always call 999 or attend their nearest Emergency Department.
The 111 Press 2 service will initially be available from 08.30 – 23:00, seven days a week, before operating on a 24/7 basis from the end of March 2023, once additional staff have been recruited and trained. You can find out more on our website by clicking here.